  • 3PL
  • 4PL

At KARPATHIOS we develop efficient & innovative assets for the supply chain of the highest industry standards


  • AREA Aspropyrgos, Attica
  • LOCATION Spilies Kyriakou

  • PLOT SURFACE 30,100 sq m
  • COVERAGE AREA 23,940 sq m


The Solon Logistics Center is a cutting-edge facility developed for LOGISTICS SOLUTIONS, a leader in Greece’s storage and distribution sector. Strategically located on a 30,100 sqm site, the center offers a total functional area of 23,940 sqm, encompassing a basement, ground floor, and three mezzanine levels designed to optimize storage, efficiency, and workplace comfort. Achieved LEED Gold Certification in 2024, this facility exemplifies a commitment to sustainability, energy efficiency, and high-performance logistics operations.

The center features zoned storage areas tailored for diverse inventory needs. Open-space offices foster a modern and collaborative work environment. 

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The Solon Logistics Center is a cutting-edge facility developed for LOGISTICS SOLUTIONS, a leader in Greece’s storage and distribution sector. Strategically located on a 30,100 sqm site, the center offers a total functional area of 23,940 sqm, encompassing a basement, ground floor, and three mezzanine levels designed to optimize storage, efficiency, and workplace comfort. Achieved LEED Gold Certification in 2024, this facility exemplifies a commitment to sustainability, energy efficiency, and high-performance logistics operations.

The center features zoned storage areas tailored for diverse inventory needs. Open-space offices foster a modern and collaborative work environment. 

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